On a surface level (psychology), communication modalities are ways people communicate. Examples are linguistics, visual, aural, gestural, spatial, and non-linguistic. Linguistic are written and spoken (talking, morse code, and sign language). Visual are any images or just moving. Aural is sound and music. Gestural are expressions and body language. Spatial is the way you are positioned, proximity and more. Non-linguistic are arts, music, rituals, and the force of movement.
Now it does get deeper. Linguistics isn’t just words and them being spoken or written, but it’s also about which words and the complexity of those words. How we make them form a sentence, the tone, pitch, and what message they give in the end.Gestural is a big on in non-spoken communication. . Our facial expressions, eye contact, hand movements, and what we emphasize often give away our message. Being able to control them gives you the ability to act or lie.
Now, in neuroscience, communication modalities are different ways neurons and neural circuits transmit information to each other. Signals are transmitted showing the various "channels" through which brain cells communicate. These modalities help us understand how neural networks process information and create what we call behaviors.
In neuroscience, an example of a communication modality is the transmission of information between neurons through the release of neurotransmitters at synapses, where a chemical signal is sent across the synaptic cleft to the receiving neuron, triggering an electrical response. When a neuron fires an electrical signal, it releases neurotransmitters. Some examples of neurotransmitters are dopamine or serotonin. These are fired into the synapse. They connect to receptors on the receiving neuron making a signal. Different neurotransmitters have different functions as they have different and specific information. Based on the chemical released, there is different communication.
Understanding these modalities help us understand what’s wrong in neurological disorders. For example, disruptions in chemical synaptic transmissions are linked to depression, schizophrenia, and Alzheimer's disease. Communication is connection- neural circuits and behaviors!
Chen, Audrey, et al. “Community-Derived Core Concepts for Neuroscience Higher Education.” CBE-Life Sciences Education, 2 Mar. 2023, www.lifescied.org/doi/10.1187/cbe.22-02-0018.
“Communication Modalities.” Hearing and Speech Center: A Non-Profit Clinic, School & Community, www.hearingspeech.org/services/education-counseling-programs/communication-modalities/.
“Five Types of Communication.” Graduate College of Drexel University, drexel.edu/graduatecollege/professional-development/blog/2018/July/Five-types-of-communication/.
Written by Pooja Gopinathrao from MEDILOQUY