I was desperately attempting to outrun a killer clown as I leaped into a nearby Ferrari. Despite only being seven years old, I stepped on the gas. I was a natural, but just when I thought I had a chance at getting away, the road collapsed underneath me, and I plummeted 700 ft into the harsh and icy ocean waves. Suddenly, I woke up.
Dreams: What are they?
Dreams are the thoughts, feelings, and images we experience when asleep. While all dreams remain unique to one another, scientists have determined some recurring characteristics: Dreams take place in the first-person perspective, and they entail emotional occurrences, incoherency, and interactions with familiar individuals.
Why do we Dream?
While it is still inconclusive as to why exactly we dream, scientists propose many theories. There is speculation that the primary purpose is strengthening memory, processing emotions, ridding unnecessary information and memories, recapping recent life events, or simply being a coincidental byproduct of sleeping.
When do we Dream?
On average, humans dream for about two hours every night. While dreams can occur during any stage of sleep, they are most intense during the rapid eye movement (REM) stage. Brain activity increases significantly during the REM sleep period compared to the non-REM stages. REM sleep dreams tend to be more vivid, absurd, and unusual. Non-REM dreams, however, usually consist of more coherent substance, such as memories or ideas rooted in a particular location and time. REM sleep mainly occurs during the second half of the sleep cycle, leaving dreams most prevalent in the hours before waking up.
Do dreams have meanings?
Whether dreams have meanings is a subject of controversy. Some psychologists think dreams provide an insight into a person's mind, memories, or everyday events, while others consider the various aspects too irregular for any serious interpretation. Most researchers believe that the content of dreams often reflect elements of real life, even though they may be strange and twisted.
Overall, dreams are a part of every individual’s life and there is still much to learn about them. Even so, they continue to inspire many, being one of the greatest mysteries of the human mind.
Credit Image: Matthias Clamer/Getty Images
Written by Aditi Avunuri from MEDILOQUY